Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 108?

Alright mates, so heres the latest. I started getting back into poker this summer, and all was going normally and slow until i decided to play some mtts. 15$ mtt, i took 2nd, and earned 450$ profit 15$ mtt, i took 1st, and earned 700$ profit. yeah, it feels pretty good. that said, my br is currently hovering around 1k due to many tourneys where i didnt win. I think for now my plan is to split my time between cash games (10nl for now until i learn more) and mtts, so that i can learn to get better at those.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 107

well, I guess its been a while, but Im back now!

just finished off finals a couple hours ago, and so im offically done with the quarter. now, with about 1/4 of the year gone, its time to get cracking on that new years proposition

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 106

Slowly regrinding back up from the bottom.

New Year's resolution/goal: put in 100k hands by the end of the year.

yeah, i know thats not a lot relatively speaking, but I figure it wont push me to spend too much time on poker, while still giving me room to expand. Let's see how this new year goes. gl all