Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 66

Day 66

how appropriate for such an evilly numbered day.

not even going into the br, so lets just rest assured that its bad. seriously taking a break this time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 65

Day 65

final br - $64.45

still on tilt from last night. gonna take a break

Day 64

Day 64

final br - $70.79

yeah, today was just really depressing.

summary - profit profit profit profit profit profit badbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeat tilt profit profit badbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeatbadbeat steam spew ragequit.

hopefully better luck next time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 63

Day 63

final br - $82.55

ah today. woke up around 8 after a nap, and started grinding.

summary - profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit. ftw.

gl m8s

Day 62

Day 62

final br - $74.77

Summary of today: profit, profit, bad beat kills profit, profit profit, bad beat kills profit, profit, profit, bad beat kills profit, profit, profit, bad beat kills profit, profit, profit, bad beat makes HELLA profit.

and that was that.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 61

Day 61

final br - $70.16

thinking back to my post not long ago, i saw a pretty big warning sign that my play was declining. and i dont just mean the fact that my br plumetted. rather, it was the statement where i mentioned that i had some fun playing lag.

poker is fun. poker is emotional. grinding isnt fun, its just work. there is one emotion highly present though: satisfaction.

Day 60

Day 60

final br - $59.33

played terrible today, that it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 59

Day 59

Played in a 10$$ buy-in live tourney today, placed second for a total payout of 55$$

should have gotten 1st, but a8o cracked my aqo

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 58

Day 58

final br - $67.70

had some fun playing pretty laggy tonight. unfortunately, its very easy to get carried away, so multiple times throughout the night, i was quite near breakeven, maybe even a smidgen in the red(this might be due in part to the bottle of wine i had directly preceding play, but probably not). obviously though, i wised up on my lag style.

oh! and i almost forgot. Today I passed a big benchmark in my progress, that being, that as of this fine morning, I've played over 10k recorded hands in cash. rockin boppin, man! and i also spiked quad queens, so that was coolio too :D

as always, gl at the tables m8s.

Day 57

Day 57

final br - $60.42

got staked for an mtt, split profits 50/50, made moooooney.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 56

Day 56

final br - $56.38 58.67

Played a bit, made a bit. pretty tired now though, so i stopped before i went -ev.

after that, played a lot more, but only made a little

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 55

Day 55

final br - $52.70

lolz! i accidentally had the same status as last time copied here. so heres the actual summary. i played well, and earned ~3 bi in about an hour. it was awesome, the end.

Day 54

Day 54

final br - $46.34

didnt do as well as i should have. found a donk to latch on to, but then i got too loose, and started spewing :/

till later.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 53

Day 53

final br - $49.22

just played for a short time today while i was waiting for my chem lab partner to get back to me on some data. didnt make any big mistakes, so i earned a buyin and a bit.

till next time.

Day 52

Day 52

final br - $46.40

so ive been succumbing to this bad habit lately of not posting my -br days, and only posting +br days. so ill try to stop that. point is, i went down ~8$$ the other day, but today, i have made up most of that. it completely up, and a little more! woooo!! all time high for the cash game. maybe if i keep doing decently, ill be able to move up in about a month, but i just gotta work on not playing when im in a -ev state of mind.

gotta be zen, man. reaaaal zen.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 51

Day 51

final br - $45.71

played some great poker today, and i managed to suppress my habit of spewing chips when starting a session before falling into the swing of things. but the real highlight of the night was this hand-


That's right, it's the most beautiful 83o you've ever seen, and I took allll his monies :D

cheers till next time, my fellow Selachimorphas ;D