So, its been a while since my last post. I went on a bit of a downswing a couple weeks ago, br fell to 435. Then I went on vacation with my family, which was a really nice break from just everything, really. I spent some of that time studying poker, and trying to generally improve my game, and I also played some HU games (for freeee) with my bro. In doing so, I realized that its really cool. heads up, that is. Rather, going into it with some semblance of analytical reasoning is very cool. So between that, and my occasional games with my roomies, Ive been focusing a little more on my HU game. my br dropped a little lower after I got back from vacation, but once I got back in the swing of things, it started growing again. like a little flower.
er...anyways, so ive been playing cash games as usual, but ive also been mixing in some HU sngs for the fun of it. Admittedly, I havent been following very precise br management in that, but I usually play anywhere between 2$ - 11$, depending on how i feel/ what games are open. 5$ seems to be a pretty sweet spot, and even at the most, the 11$ games arent totally awful with regards to br management (eg, 400$ roll = ~40 HU games) The worst I did was an 18$ hu sng, which i won thanks to a suck out.
Another thing Ive realized is that it is a wonderful feeling to be playing higher stakes. not because theres more money on the line (honestly, even with my br management, i still get a little antsy at times), but rather because if i want, there are actually lower stakes games I can play. not to mention, its generally a softer game.
Also, I really like occasionally mixing up my games. eg., ill play cash games for a while, then switch to HU SNGs, and back again, etc ad tiredum. it keeps the decision making fresh and whatnot. Ive also been playing around with HU cash games, which is a little tricky since cake doesnt offer low stakes HU tables, but theres this one dude who ive been playing HU against who has been bumping my roll even more. its great.
hmm, what else did i want to touch on....oh yeah! last thing on my list is that i also greatly appreciate the ability to cut down on tables. yeah, i know its nothing new, but theres a certain difference between playing 4-6 tables of 10nl vs 2 tables of 10nl, and 2 of 4nl hu cash. iono, it might just be me being a silly person, but it takes some of the stress out of the equation.
unrelated to poker- i just started school again for the new year, and this quarter looks like a doozy. im just hoping that ill be able to force myself to not waste too much time, so that I can stay well balanced between school, piano, social life, and poker. we'll see how that goes.
Aaaaaaand for the grand finale, my br just broke 500! w00t w00t! in d4 h0uz.
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